
May 31 – Decoration Day Preparations  4 or more cadets are required to place flags at grave sites at Woodlawn Memorial Park Cemetary, in civilian clothes, at 7 p.m. (for approximately half an hour).  See or message Capt […]


Follow this link to learn more about our opportunity to fly at the Waterloo Flight School.  Check MS TEAMS.  This link is also a Sign-up forWWFC Informed Consent for Training – May 2024-1 the event. See MS Teams […]


Important Notice re: Scholarships     Ontario Air Cadet Scholarship Announcements. Following up on our original newsletter communication from 02 Feb 2024. To date there have been no applications or inquiries received. We realize that this is March […]


9 March – Area Directed Activity, London, ON – 10 pre-selected cadets.  Good luck! Week of 11 March to 15 March – MARCH BREAK, NO CADET ACTIVITIES 18 March – First night back for DRILL TEAM ONLY.  Effective […]
Get involved and have some fun! Check under the Training tab ‘Optional Training’ to learn about each program.  Biathlon:  Friday evenings 1830 – 2100 at the Armoury, starting 20 Sep for Level 4 & 5 cadets, and starting […]
Be sure to check here for important training information! 121 Sqn Training Schedule April 2024Duty Officer: 2Lt McRaeArrival: 1820 – 1830 Fall in, inspection: 1830 – 1845Opening parade: 1845 – 1900 Classroom set-up: 1900 – 1905Period one: 1905 […]
Great News! Air Cadets are now issued Field Training Uniforms (FTU) in addition to their Dress Elemental Uniforms (DEU). Cadets new to the squadron will need to receive their initial issue (entire uniform) while cadets who already have […]
Cadet365 will help Cadets and Staff work and collaborate with colleagues remotely, including chat and video conferencing. In order to get set up with Cadet365, each cadet will need their own email address. Cadets cannot use their parents’ email […]