Get involved and have some fun!
Check under the Training tab ‘Optional Training’ to learn about each program. 

Biathlon:  Friday evenings 1830 – 2100 at the Armoury, starting 20 Sep for Level 4 & 5 cadets, and starting on 6 Oct for Level 2 & 3 cadets, who have previously qualified on the cadet air rifle.  Dress in gym clothes and clean running shoes.  Contact Capt Fleming. 

Drill Team/Flag Party:  Monday evenings 1930 – 2030 at Winegard Public School starting 7 Oct.  Civilian clothes and shoes–carry boots and bring polishing materials.  There will be no signup; all are welcome.  Contact Capt Stuart.

Effective Public Speaking & Debate:  Monday evenings 1830 – 1930 at Winegard Public School starting 7 Oct.  Contact Capt Stuart.

Junior Ground School:  Wednesday evenings 1830 – 2000 at Winegard Public School (or virtual) starting 25 Sep.  Contact Capt Pegelo. 

Senior Ground School:  Wednesday evenings 1800 – 2000 starting 11 Sep at Winegard Public School.  You must be Level 3 Qualified by 30 Jun 2025 and at least 16 years of age before 1 Sep 2025 to apply for glider, and Level 4 Qualified by 30 Jun 2025 and at least 17 years of age before 1 Sep 2025 to apply for powered flight.  Contact Capt Elloway / 2Lt McRae.

Marksmanship:  Friday evenings 1830 – 2100 at the Armoury, starting 20 Sep for Level 4 & 5 cadets, and starting on 6 Oct for Level 2 & 3 cadets, who have previously qualified on the cadet air rifle.  Dress in comfortable civilian attire.  Contact Capt Fleming.

Pipe & Drum Band:  Thursday evenings 1830 – 2100 starting 12 Sep at Winegard Public School. Contact Lt Laing.


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