Knowing that not all cadets will join as soon as they turn 12 or at the beginning of the training year in September, an accelerated training program may be authorized by the squadron Cadet Commanding Officer.

A cadet who registers at 13 years old will normally be placed in Level 1, but they may be placed in Level 2 if they turn 14 years old before 1 Sep of the next Training year.  A cadet who registers at 14 years old will normally be placed in Level 2, but they may be placed in Level 3 if they turn 15 years old before 1 Sep of the next Training year.  These cadets will have to complete the Level 1 – 2 Accelerated Training handbook and testing, and those moving up to Level 3 will have to also complete the Level 2 – 3 Accelerated Training handbook and testing.  A cadet who registers at 15 years old or older will normally be placed in Level 3.  These cadets will have to complete the Level 1 – 2 Accelerated Training handbook and testing, and then the Level 2 – 3 Accelerated Training handbook and testing.

The handbooks are available through Teams Chats and from the Training Officer.